Since the 1960's oceans around the world have eerie areas that contain dead zones. Dead zones are when all living life is non-existant. They have been known to have a lack of oxygen & have tons of nitrogen from farm fertilizers to emission from cars and factories. They run from 45, 000 miles in the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi river. These dead zones have been known to be the size of Oregon!
Farming, cars, and factories have been creating this pollutant that is killing our oceans because it adds toxic chemicals into our waters. This pollutant is particularly dangerous to the marine life.
The dead zone has been known to effect reproduction in fish. Fish eggs are impossible to be born in this type of area due to a lack of oxygen. The dead zone has been killing millions of fishes lately, which in turn can lead to an uneven ecosystem and even potentially collapse it.
Crabs, plankton, clams & shellfish are highly affected due to oxygen depletion. They have been affecting the ecosystem's food chain; with the ecosystem in effect, it can destroy our marine life and oceans for good.
Some researches have suggested that in 10 years ocean dead zone's will increase immensely and we need proper care for it to end.
Some solutions we can help is to support crop biodiversity, which have been known to replace farm fertilizers with a more healthier crop that can help sustain farmlands.
Another solution is to buy organic! Organic food is made with natural ingredients that does not contain chemicals and fertilizers.
I find the ocean dead zone fascinating because what we eat and drink may have a huge impact on the oceans. Part of the food and drinks that we consume come from farms and factories. For some time now, these two factors have been a leading disaster for the ocean dead zones.
This picture depicts the ocean's "dead zones." The light green color indicates the dead zones.